1.  The May 16th vote is NOT about the value of an education!  The Vote May 16th is about starting a new taxing district to financially subsidize duplicate educational opportunities.


2.  The proposal is a money loser.  Needs at least $851,000 in new property taxes to break even- and that is nothing more than a low ball guess from proponents.  Other Idaho Community Colleges need many millions of dollars from their property tax payers and we could be hit up for high amounts also.


3. We have many current higher education offerings within 50 miles and many more online!


4.  The first year new taxes could cost Bonneville County residents a whopping $7.5 million dollars, which equates to a new tax of about $125.00 per year per $100K in taxable value in year one.  The first year rate is set by an appointed board who is not bound to charge what some so called "panel report" has recommended.


5.  State code allows property taxes to go up each year.  If they don't raise it this year, they can come back and get it anytime!


6. Groups that have had both sides present their case chose to OPPOSE the new taxing district 100% of the time.  (The BCRCC voted 21-11 to OPPOSE the taxing district!)


7.  Passing the May 16 proposal is probably just the beginning of new taxes for us.  All 3 Idaho Community Colleges have asked property tax payers for more, more, more! 


8.  Growing EITC's campus will be expensive since they are located in the most expensive part of town.  The cost of additional land will be outrageous.


9.  Students can get free college credits right now via dual credits paid for by the state.  If some opportunities cost more then scholarships, grants, and employer reimbursed education programs help make cost per credit hour variances less impactful, often nullifying differences.


10. We do not need a Community College.  Teton County in the Driggs area leads the area in average number of dual credits taken for their students who participate at 60 credits!


11.  They claim we will see $66 Million in economic activity.  Do not be fooled.  This is not growth or wealth creation.  This is taking tax dollars from one person and simply giving it to another local person.  It is a shell game.  If this was so good, why not tax us all much more, and shuffle the money around the community.



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